Stony Point High School

International Mindedness at SPHS
Stony Point High School is a diverse learning community where students learn with students and teachers from a variety of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. In our annual Home Language Survey, students and families report speaking over 30 languages in addition to English.
Through various programs,classes, and campus-wide events, we strive to develop learners who have
knowledge, understanding and appreciation of different cultures
increased self-awareness
increased empathy
an ability to collaborate with peers from different backgrounds
deepening knowledge and an understanding of global issues
an ability to see themselves as responsible, global citizens
language skills
All IB Diploma Programme students study French, German, or Spanish in addition to English. Students who are fluent in another language may study school supported, self taught Language A as part of their IB Diploma Programme graduation plan. To date, we have had students study Russian, Japanese, Portuguese, and Mandarin Literature. Students at SPHS can also take American Sign Language as an elective.

What the IB taught me about international-mindedness
July 2020
Diploma Programme (DP) graduate Maja Johansson Hedstroem of Katedralskolan discusses how the DP and her experiences travelling taught her to seek understanding of others. She reminds us of the importance of recognizing both differences and similarities when solving global problems.

International Mindedness - Teachers Are Talking About It, But What Exactly Is It?
March 2017
Carolyn Savage, an experienced educator, global citizen and mindfulness advocate identifies seven signs of an "internationally minded citizen" in this quick read on how parents can help develop a global mindset in their children from Huff Post.